Egyptian Teachings
Level I
Explore the rich cosmology of the Ancient
Egyptian Huna Way, as you experience these sacred teachings and initiations.
As a Djedu initiate, you will discover keys to unlock the mysteries of your own
psycho-neurophysiology through breath, sound, and energy practices. These healing
practices prepare you to activate your body's holy of holies; to release the elixirs
of metamorphosis in Awakening the Healer Within.
Purify your Body Temple through
the Sa Hetep Na Forgiveness Rite.
This sacred rite heals 7 generations forward and
Embody your Full
Potential Self as you step into your Sahu.
Explore the realms of the Ancient
Egyptian Pantheon through Divine Body Postures.
Enter the Temple Nub Khem to
receive the Per Ab Ba Initiations.
Opening of the Heart Shenka.
Enter the Temple Per Nub Ong to receive the Maat Rudat
Amply your healing Sekhem energies
through the use of your Hekau (Words of Power), vision through the Mystic Pyramid (3rd
eye), and guidance of your Sahu.
Learn several ancient Egyptian
Healing techniques.
Participate in the Raising of the Djed
Ceremony to stabilize and balance the Caduceus within and anchor the cosmic template.
Seti I Temple at Abydos ©2000 |